Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Coffee House Witness

I had never shared so close a space with anyone who looked like him.
We need to take advantage of every opportunity to share the good news of Christ Jesus. I firmly believe the Word of God and the truth of the gospel message and know, without doubt, that accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is the only way to life everlasting. Yet as much as I know this to be true, I find myself afraid to share this saving news with those around me.
I feel like I am too young, too inexperienced, or just too shy. I become easily flustered when the subject of God comes up around non-Christians, who appear to have all the answers for not believing in Jesus. It seems every time I watch a movie or read a modern book, the teenagers hate church or mock God. I am afraid that if I speak about being a Christian, my peers will immediately categorize me as uncool or a religious freak who would never do anything fun. So, most of the time, I bite my tongue and just listen with guilt as they mock my Lord. I'm ashamed of my many lost opportunities to share Christ with lost people.

Strange-looking Stranger
One day I was hanging out in a coffee shop doing homework and my daily devotions, which involve reading a few chapters of the Bible. The shop was particularly busy that day, and a guy asked if he could share my table. I agreed and thought nothing of it until he took the chair across from mine.
Looking up, I was surprised to see a very gothic-looking guy--with dyed long black hair, too many piercings to count, and, to my horror, a shirt printed with satanic symbols! I had never shared so close a space with anyone who looked liked him. I felt uneasy. Here was I reading the Bible; he probably hated Christians. I kept my head down, trying to concentrate on the words, but my mind kept wandering back to my strange tablemate.
Much to my despair, he spoke to me.
"You're reading the Bible," he said.
Oh no, I thought. Is he going to start cursing God or saying horrible things about Christians?
I looked up and forced a smile, "Yes, I read it almost every day." Why had I said that? I didn't want to evoke a conversation with this dark stranger!
"So, you're a Christian? he asked.
"Yes," I answered, still smiling I didn't want him to know I was intimidated.
"I've studied different religions," he informed me.
"Well, I am not religious," I reported. "I just believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior." Where did that come from?
Why did I need to share my beliefs with this stranger?
"You believe there is only one true religion?"
Oh, Lord, I thought. I am so bad at this! What do I say?
My words always come out wrong. I pleaded to God to give me the right thing to say.
"Yes," I answered," but I wouldn't use the word religion. I believe there is only one way to God and heaven, which is through his Son, Jesus Christ."
"I don't believe in heaven like that. I think it's different for everyone."
"I think there is only one heaven and only one way to get there.

The Answers I Needed
I wondered if he could hear the trembling in my voice, for I couldn't believe I was having this conversation. As we talked I kept a silent prayer going in my head. I felt like I didn't know what to say, but I kept coming up with answers. I studied the guy and was surprised to find he had a nice face and it was actually easy to talk with him.

Though I felt unprepared and even nervous about sharing my faith, God gave me the answers I needed.
The guy told me he thought all religions were right.
I disagreed, saying there was only one God and one way to him--through Jesus Christ. Though I felt unprepared and even nervous about sharing my faith with a complete stranger, God gave me the answers I needed when I needed them. Jesus was with me the whole time! I didn't have great answers, but I gave correct ones, and I feel certain the Lord was able to use me in spite of my youth and fear.
I may never know what happened with the guy in the coffee shop, but I am certain the Lord equipped me to be his ambassador that day. God often uses many people to reach one person. We are all to be laborers in the field God has prepared--some may plant, others may water--but the Lord will bring in the harvest. Often we do not see the end result of our labor, but we can trust that God has a plan. Our job is simply to obey his command to tell the world about Jesus Christ.
You never know when you will have an opportunity to share the Lord with someone. If you are listening to the Holy Spirit's prompting, you too will be ready for such an encounter.
- by Emily Downs

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